Thursday, August 11, 2011

Getting Ready for Baby!

Well we are still patiently waiting for our little Beckam to make his arrival! At my doctor appointment this week we found out he is breech! So we are hoping he will turn on his own before next Monday. If he doesn't turn on his own we are scheduled to have a c section Monday at noon, which I am really bummed out about! So I guess we will see what happens! We are sooo ready for him to come! I cant believe sometimes that we are going to have another baby, I am not sure how I am going to handle two kids and full time school, especially because Peyton is already such a handful and school is keeping me so busy and making me so crazy! But at the same time, I am so excited to meet this little guy I can hardly stand it! I think Peyton knows what is going on and she is so excited to be a big sister and meet her baby bother! I cant believe how much new stuff we had to buy for this little guy, I thought we would be able to use a bunch of Peyton's things, but everything is either really girly or really destroyed, so little Beckam ended up with all new stuff! I love baby shopping and getting ready for this little guy to come into the world! Only 3 days!We cant wait!
Some of our new items:

Sit'n'Stand double stroller and car seat.. Peyton already decided the front seat is hers
Crib and Pottery Barn sports bedding set
Changing Table and LOTS of blankets
Vera Bradley baby bag- Love these!
 And lots of cute clothes and odds and ends...
We cant wait for little Beckam to join our family! <3

Some cute pictures of Peyton Jo!
<3 this girl!
Lately Peyton thinks that she is a doctor and she loves to fix up her Daddy! She also loves to do his hair and dress him up in jewelery!
This last weekend Ryan played in the Bam Jam 3 on 3 basketball tournament. It was down town, right in the middle of BoDo! It was HOT and being nine months pregnant and sitting in 90 degree heat all day long is hard, but it was still so fun eating yummy food, walking around, spending time with family and watching Ryan play.


Krystin said...

I was JUST thinking about you and the baby coming so soon. Then I see this GREAT post. Can't wait to see the little guy and I am so excited for you! You will be an AMAZING mom to two.
random...but I have a wallet in the same print as your new diaper bag! We should chat before monday k!

Streett's said...

I hope that baby boy turns around for you, but either way so exciting he's coming so soon!!