I cant believe my little girl is a year old! She is such a sweet, friendly little girl with so much personality! She keeps our lives very interesting and so fun! She has brought so much joy to us this last year, we love her so much!
Warning: Lots of pictures and writing!!!
It is amazing to see how much little Peyton Jo has grown and changed in just 1 year!
Peyton was born April 28,2009
6 lbs 13 oz 19 inches
1 week old
at 2 weeks old we had her newborn pictures taken
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months
10 Months
11 Months
Peyton is such a busy girl! Here are some things she is up to now!
She has 4 teeth, two on top and two on bottom, and her hair has gotten soo long and curly! :)
She LOVES to walk! She wont crawl anymore at all, she has been walking for about a month now. She will just do laps around the house, with no where to go just because she wants to be walking all the time! She is very good at walking but sometimes she still falls, and every time she does she pouts. She puts her face down on the ground and says "ohhhh" and feels sorry for herself. Then after a minute she will roll her head to the side to check and make sure someone is watching her pout, and then she will continue pouting.
Peyton loves to be outside and loves to jump on the tramp and she screams really loud and high pitched the whole time you are jumping with her.
She loves to talk on the phone! If she ever sees someone talking on the phone she goes over to them and says "hi hi hi" because she wants to talk! She loves saying hi to everyone she sees, and she continues to say hi to them until they say it back to her.
She is very fascinated with faces right now and she touches every ones eyes and says "eyes?" (and she doesn't softly touch them, she sticks her finger in your eye as far and hard as she can)
Peyton is definitely a girly girl! She loves to have her finger nails and toe nails painted, loves to put on lip gloss and loves to have her hair brushed. Whenever I put a bow or something in her hair she takes it out and tries so hard to put it back in herself.
Peyton always starts laughing when anyone else is laughing,even though she has no idea why they are laughing.
She is such a sweet girl and she loves to give hugs and kisses and cuddle! Especially when she just wakes up, she just wants to be held and cuddled and she very softly pats your back while you hold her.
Peyton has this little white stuffed doggy that she is in love with! It sleeps with her during all her naps and every night, and it goes everywhere with her. She is always hugging it and kissing it and if anyone takes it from her he starts screaming and crying.
Peyton loves to ride on her daddy's shoulders and she loves to use his ears as handles.. Ryan isn't a huge fan of that!
Peyton still loves books, baths, climbing stairs, emptying cupboards and drawers, having her teeth brushed, putting things over her face and playing "where's Peyton?", dancing, and playing the piano.
Peyton loves to share her food with everyone, but only enough so you get a little taste. If you actually eat it, she gets very upset.
Peyton is quite the talker lately! Here are some things she says:
hi = hi
ma = mom
da = dad
do = dog
ba = ball
doyee = doggy
bye = bye
no = no
dis = this
hi hi = high chair
ohhhh = oh
uh oh = uh oh
wha? = what?
eyes = eyes
num num num = yummy
beckist = breakfast
ba ba = bottle
wha dis? = whats this?
wha do? = what are you doing?
bwita! bwita! bwita! = ??? (we aren't sure what this means, but she yells it at anyone that does something to make her mad)
We love our little Peyton so much and we cant believe it has already been a whole year!
Happy 1st Birthday Peyton Jo!
(birthday party pictures will be up soon)