Our little boy is here! Beckam Kristopher Douglas was born Monday at 1:29 pm. He is a tiny little guy, he weighed 5 lbs 13 oz and was 19 in long. Monday we went to the hospital not knowing if he is still breech or not. We had an ultrasound and found out that he was, so I had to have a c section. I was a little bummed, especially since my natural delivery with Peyton went so well. We were supposed to have the c section at noon but we got bumped to 1:00 because some one had to have an emergency c section. So we did a little waiting around and it was the longest hour of my life! They started my c section a little after 1:00 and he was born at 1:29! My doctor did the entire c section in 15 minutes, when it normally takes about an hour for most doctors! It was so fast! Having a c section is so different than when I had Peyton. It has been a little harder recovery so far, but I am kind of happy I got to experience child birth both ways! We are so happy our little man is finally here and we love him so much!!!
Last belly shot in front of the hospital
Waiting for our c section to start!
Ryan got to wear some super cute scrubs!
The next pictures are of the actually surgery and are a bit gruesome, so if you are squeamish you might want to skip these :) Ryan watched the entire surgery and took lots of pictures. It didn't bother him at all. He says it was the craziest thing that he has ever watched!
5 lbs 12.8 oz :) soo tiny!
After the surgery I had to go back to the recovery room and wait until I wasn't so numb before they could take us up to the mom and baby floor to our room. I was so numb I couldn't move my legs at all for a couple hours. I didn't get to hold Beckam for a couple hours after the surgery because I had to have all the feeling back in my upper body and I had to lay down for a while so I didn't get nauseated. That is one thing that bummed me out about having a c section.. not being able to hold my baby right away. I couldn't nurse him when he was first born either because I had to lay down and wait for feeling so Ryan got to feed him.
He was a very happy Daddy! So happy to meet his little boy!
Finally getting to hold him a couple hours after he was born!
He was very alert at just a few hours old. Love those adorable dark eyes!
His hands are so tiny compared to Ryan's ring!
Beckam had lots of visitors come to see him!
Uncle Brandon
Uncle Taylor
Uncle Zach
Uncle Kaden
Grampa Rick and Pam
Great Grama and Grampa Christensen
Grama Douglas, Uncle Carson and Aunt Jessica
Great Uncle Eric and Great Aunt Angie
And of course.. big sister Peyton Jo!
She was a little unsure at first, but she warmed up to him really quickly and took charge being the big sister. She wanted to feed him and hold him and rock him. Whenever he would cry she would say "baby brother you want mommy? you want mommy?!" and try to carry him over to me. Very scary but so cute! :) She has been such a helpful big sister and loves her baby brother sooo much!
She is always very interested in what we are doing to baby brother and always wants to help!
Love this very unsure face! (and the wild hair)
Sooo special! <3
Peyton was so sad when we took her baby brother from her so other people could hold him so she made her Daddy rock her and talk to her about it.
Love him!!!
Ryan hates the little fold out chairs in the hospital so he brought his own little bed set up!
Love my babies so much!!!
Love this girl!!!
Peyton was always so excited to see her Daddy when she came to the hospital. He had to lay on the couch and cuddle her every time.
Big Sister!
Happy little family <3 Cant explain how much I love these people!
Getting ready to go home!
He is sooo tiny in his car seat!
We are now home and we are all doing really well. I am a little sore and I am not supposed to carry anything or do anything which has been really hard! We have had lots of people bring us dinners and lots of help which has been so nice! Beckam is doing so good. He is nursing really well and he is such a good, happy baby! We love him! Ryan and I feel so lucky to be parents to our two amazing babies! We are so happy! <3
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